The Embroidery Circle ⭕️ Community Page

February Monthly Community News

This month, being the first month of The Embroidery Circle, I have been full of excitement, optimism and also nerves. Everything I do in my small business, I want to be the perfect mix of creativity, community and snippets of embroidery loveliness for all of my lovely customers and supporters.

This month, I have focussed on creating the most beautiful kit, filled with love to mark the month of February. We all know that the world can feel a chaotic place so much unkindness, hurt and devastation being fed to us through social media and the news. It can be hard to remember that there is a lot of love and kindness around us and within our communities but also within ourselves that we can share with others and radiate outwards. 

This sentiment lead to the design process behind 'Love Is All'... The beautiful wording, "What the world needs now, is love sweet love" rang over an over as I designed this special piece. 

The circular wreath is made up of hearts, linked by green foliage. This represents the continuous flow of a circle with no beginning and no end, The hearts within the circle show a steady pattern with equal distance between them showing a repeated flow from one to the next. As the pattern repeats there are golden sprinkles and mini hearts; a visual representation of the spread of love and kindness growing...

Behind the Scenes February 2025

Signs of Spring - February Blog Post