Summer Holidays - Mamas gotta work!

Posted by Natalie Blamire on

Happy Sunday!

So, this blog post is going to be centred around us Mamas and Papas who have the upcoming summer holidays and small businesses to run. Now, i'm going to be completely honest about my feelings on our impending 5 week stint of activity and work juggling. 

I have three gorgeous bambinos, well not so much bambinos now, but three beauties who are super excited for a fun filled summer... and do you know what, so am I? But when you work from home, how do you do it all? 

Well, the answer is still yet to land in my lap, I honestly don't know! I tend to wing every break, grabbing time here and there... planning activities with the children and spending my evenings working, weekends when my husband is home and grabbing an hour when the children are watching a film.

I will be honest, by the end of any school break I feel mentally and physically exhausted. I stretch every resource I have, I over try so as not to leave my 3 loves feeling like i've been absent... at the end of each day, I mull over how the children may have felt about me working alongside out activities. Did I do enough with them? Do they feel I worked too much? Are my customers feeling like i've dropped off the face of the earth? So many thoughts, so many feelings... and not wanting to let anyone down.

SOOOOOooooo..... this summer I have already made the decision to lower the orders I take. I have a book full of BEAUTIFUL orders to work on, all planned and prepped ready to take along to soft play or quietly stitch whilst we snuggle watching a film together. I will limit my time on social media, plan a time to respond to message and emails. I feel more relaxed already, i'm excited for the whole of August and the special time I will get with my small fries, making memories. I have THE best customers so I know that they will be there cheering me on. 

I have also decided to have one piece that I work on throughout the 5 weeks. I will take progress pictures and document its progress in the various places we visit over the summer... thought this may be a nice little addition to Instagram posts.

If you'd like to follow a few of my Mum Boss friends... give them a follow here:


This Girl Is Enough

Mum Over Heard

Mother Freckle

The Messy Brunette

The Unmumsymum

Kemi Telford

So here's to us small business owners, juggling it all... 

Summer 2018, we're ready for you!


Nat x


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