Follow Your Heart

Posted by Natalie Blamire on

This blog post will be short and sweet - I hope that it inspires you nonetheless.

Seven days ago, I woke with crippling self doubt. Wondering if I was in the right place with my embroidery business Natalie Gaynor Designs, had I taken the right turns in my business journey and how was I going to continue to support my family. 

I can't say exactly why the self doubt reared its head but I knew that it was here and making me panic and feel very 'foggy' in my judgement. Now, one thing that I have learnt through my creative business journey is that it can be very lonely working for yourself. There is no workforce to bounce ideas off and no 'general chat' in the work place. So instead of spending the day procrastinating, I decided to reach out to those inspirational people whom I have met through the pixels and share my thoughts and feelings, in the hope that I would have a clearer view on my future direction

Kemi Telford and A Life More Inspired sent me messages of encouragement and asked me questions that made me arrive at the right answer... 

In short, my heart was telling me one thing all along... I just needed to follow it!

In life, many opportunities will come our way and we will be swayed this way and that. In the end, following your heart is the only way to end up in the place that is right for you. 

If you would like more inspiration on 'Following Your Dreams', watch Will Smith's InstaTv videos... and whilst you are there, watch my installment here

This blog post leads me to my very first Piece Of The Month. On the first Monday of each month I will release a piece of hand embroidered wall art based around the themes, 'Inspiration, Positivity and Affirmations'... Each piece will be different in design and colour. Each piece will be designed to lift the spirits and strengthen the mind with positive words.

There will be just ONE of these hoop art releases per month, so if this, 'FOLLOW YOUR HEART', beauty speaks to you, grab it quick 😉 This hoop art will be listed on my Website on MONDAY 2ND JULY 2018 at 8am: Buy Here

Follow Your Heart - 6" Hoop art



Mucho Love, 


Nat x




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