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Celestine Galaxy - Peace, Clarity, Tranquility

Regular price £34.00

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A Celestite Galaxy


Celestite goes by the name Celestine. Celestite is the crustal of dreams, he meaning of Celestite is mental clarity and higher purpose.

Originating from the Latin word Caelestis which meaning Celestial, the crystal is a literal shimmering crystal with  rich mystical properties. Promoting inner peace, quiet space, and elevating the spirit.

This grey blue inspired galaxy, has been stitched with an array of grey toned metallic and silk threads. The whole design has been designed on the hoop, allowing the design to be created with flow. The Celestite stones have been mindfully placed on the outer spiral of the art piece surrounded by silver beads to highlight the internal sparkle of the crystal. Dotted around this crystal galaxy are irredescent sequins to further reflect natural light and it floods this special art piece. 

All galaxy hoops will be created as a one off design, making each one unique.